
You left her stranded alone when she needed you the most. You completely tore her to pieces then got annoyed at her for not being whole. Don’t ever tell me you didn’t know what you were doing because we both know you knew exactly what you were doing. Tell me, was it because you know she’s the best you could ever get so in your sick twisted mind you decided that you didn’t want her to realize her worth because you know she will leave you? Was it all just a game to you? How dare you come in like a tsunami and rip her world apart? How can you possibly have a clear concious? I can’t wait for the day she realizes you’re not worth shit, and stops crying over a boy who isn’t worth a tear. She has this unique beauty about her and guess what? You’re never going to find it in anyone else. She was one of a kind and you lost her. 

Quotes from Glee

Life has amazing challenges. I just saw Glee’s Season 6 Episode 1 and I got lots of wonderful quotes from this ep.

They say you have to lose everything before you can find yourself. – Rachel Berry

One missed step, that’s all you can get these days. – Rachel Berry

The power is created by the bending of the bow. The more the bow bends, the more potential energy is created. Life’s challenges are just the bending of a bow. The bigger the challenge, the more the bow bends, the more potential you create to do something amazing. All you have to do is find the purpose. Find the arrow that you’re gonna put in that bow. – Wil Schuester

The only difference in my situation is that the bow didn’t just bend, it broke. – Rachel Berry

You’re not gonna be defined by this failure. The future will judge you based on what you do to come back from it. – Will Schuester


I remember our first kiss. We kissed under the rain. It was raining so hard but we didn’t care. It was the sweetest kiss ever.

I remember one time, I was so damn sleepy. I fell asleep while we kiss. It was the funniest kiss ever.

I remember our last kiss. I wanted to feel your lips with mine, but you didn’t want to. But still, I kissed you. And you walked away. It was the most painful kiss ever.

I’ll Never Tell You How Much I Miss You

There I was, standing in front of you with tears in my eyes, unable to say what I so desperately wanted to say. You stood there, silently waiting as the burning in my throat intensified with each word that went unsaid. I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn’t do it. My throat was on fire and I didn’t have the courage to put it out. I knew that your arms around me would smother the flames, and that your lips on mine would reignite them in a completely different way. But I was crying, and you were standing there looking at me with pity in your eyes. So I said nothing, my body frozen with fear as the fire raged on inside. And I let you leave.

The funny thing is that I had known exactly what I wanted to say.

I would have told you that I want you and that ever since you left all that I can think about is my head on your chest and your arms all around me.

I would have told you that I long for your legs to once again be intertwined with mine; how I miss the way you would move against me while you slept and the sleepy, confused face you would make when you woke up.

I would have told you that I still stay up late thinking of you. And that the first thing I think of when I wake up is you, too.

I would have told you that my days are empty without hearing from you, and that I still haven’t figured out how to fill the void you’ve left in my life.

I would have told you that you had awakened something in me that I had previously thought I wasn’t capable of feeling. That I don’t know how to go back to being my old self without you, and worse, I’m not sure that I want to.

I would have told you that I want to eat dinner with you even though I have to go to work at midnight, because the future wouldn’t matter if you were here with me now.

I would have told you that I miss your stupid sense of humor that used to make me laugh so hard I couldn’t breathe, and the pleased little smirk you used to make as you watched me gasping for air.

I would have told you that I want to hold your hand as we walk down the street, because no matter how cold it is outside your hand in mine gives me all the warmth I need.

I would have told you that I want to make you so happy that as you lay in bed at night you start to wonder if it was all a dream.

I would have told you that I love your flaws, and that I love our differences, because we balance each other out in a way I never thought possible.

I would have told you that I want to be constantly surprised by you, to learn something new about you every day, because I can’t imagine ever possibly being bored by you.

I would have told you that I want to be what you reach for when you wake up in the middle of the night, that I would wrap my arms around you like no blanket ever could.

And lastly, I would have told you that I need you, and only you, in the simplest of ways.

But instead, I let you walk away. Because these are all things that I’ll never say.

Revised. Originally by Jordan Taylor.